<p>JupyterLab is a web based interactive development environment for a jupyternotebook(.jpynb extension) that supports multiple languages, such as python, R, and Julia. It offers both script as a language as well as markdown in a notebook</p><p><br></p><h3>How to Setup Jupyter Lab in Local</h3><p>For jupyter in docker, please refer <a href="https://datak.biz/blog/detail/13/" target="_blank">the article</a>. For a local setup, use following commands in terminal;</p><pre># shell script cd <jupyter directory> #create virtual environment python3 -m virtualenv <venv name> #activate venv source <venv name>/bin/activate #install jupyter lab pip install jupyterlab #start jupyter lab jupyter lab</pre><p><br></p><h3>How to Setup Plotly : Interactive Visualization</h3><p>Plotly requires a bit unique installation settings for jupyterlab extensions</p><pre># shell script #activate venv source venv/bin/activate #install plotly pip install plotly #update jupyterlab pip install jupyterlab "ipywidgets>=7.5" #install required jupyter extensions jupyter labextension install jupyterlab-plotly@4.14.3 #start jupyter lab jupyter lab</pre><p>See <a href="https://plotly.com/python/getting-started/" target="_blank">plotly help</a> for more information</p><p><br></p><h3>Shortcut List</h3><ol><li>Shift + Enter : Run / Execution</li><li>Enter : Change to Edit Mode</li><li>Esc : Change to View/Command Mode</li><li>Alt + Enter : Execute and Create new cell</li><li>Cmd + B : Hide / Unhide left pane</li></ol><p><br></p><h4>Shortcut Keys in Command Mode</h4><ol><li>Shift + Space / Space : in Command Mode, move up / down</li><li>Delete + Delete : Delete cell</li><li>M : Change to Markdown</li><li>Y : Change to Code</li><li>Shift + Drag then Shift + M : Merge Cells</li><li>Esc + Z : Undo</li><li>Esc + A : Forward</li><li>A : Insert new cell above</li><li>B : Insert new cell below</li></ol><p><br></p><h4>Shortcut Keys in Edit Mode</h4><ol><li>Shift + Tab : Reference Function (either at parenthesis in function or at/after the function)</li><li>Tab : Reference objects. For example,</li></ol><pre># jupyter lab x = 'string' x.<then Tab></pre><p><br></p>
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